Tuesday, December 18, 2007

The First


Here it is ladies and gents a place for all of you to spew all of your dirt this is really a place for all the folks who live near on or about Glenwood Rd or Ave being it the City of Atlanta or the County of Dekalb. We all live near or on this Hmm (in)famous Rd...Ave.
East Atlanta to 285 we are all int he same ol boat SPEW IT complain bitch etc i want to hear how bad you me and your neighbors have been treated mis-served with or just plain SCREWED OVER by our elected and not so elected officials.Black White Hispanics Indians Ethiopians Inuits WHO CARES!!!!! Why do we have to live in such a desparate neighbor HOOD
while all the others in say ....North DeKalb (Dunwoody) live in such a safe one???
Are we not desireable ??Mooks and Zombies walking around at 3 and 4 in the A and M
I guess the guy looking in my mail box at that time was a overnight Postal Inspector..
But I almost felt sory for the guy as he just about fell into the st due to the red clay mud from the lack of a sidewalk. Pity the poor mom who later that day was pushing her baby in a stroller , and than god she had an almost 4 wheel drive one for it was turned int a toal morass of mudd and rocks OH WELL good LUCK!!! dont get plowed over by a car on Glenwood rd cuase its a muddy trench on my property I called ....and called..and called again to have a sidewalk put down. I get the response "We are going for Saftey first " I almost fell out of my chair
THE F&^% YOU ARE you poor saps know nothing about it
Lets watch Mama pushing her babys ........ON THE STREET
not on the missings sidewalk but in the ROAD
Its only a matter of time before one is hit by a Chevy Silverado going 60 miles an hour and send about 70 yards into the woods..Hopefully she wont hurt the guy breaking into the house she lands in!!
I know this migh all seem trivial to some and important to othersbut believe you me whn you live 1/4 mile from a DeKalb Police station and crime is this bad in your area IT IS A PROBLEM

I never have been a gun owner yes i felt you should be able to own one but i never really had the need to each their own i felt, but now ....... its a new game and its a sad situation whn you have to rtake aim at guys in your back yard knowing full well you could shoot them dead without a cop saying a word, but i wont do that but it makes you think what has this become when we cant look out for our neighbors

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